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28 By Sam Wood
Online Shopping
Online Shopping
Do I have to use the online shopping feature?
Do I have to do all my shopping via the online shopping feature?
Is online shopping available on the app?
How do I link my Woolworths account?
How do I add the items I need for the week?
How do I add additional items?
How do I remove items from my cart?
How do I swap items for another product or brand?
How do I see how much of that item I’ll need in my meal plan?
What if an item isn’t in stock?
Why are some items not available?
Why is the quantity or price incorrect?
How do I apply the discount?
Can I add snacks to the shopping list?
What if I have more questions?
How do I change between pick up or delivery?
How long will it take for my order to be delivered?
Where is my delivery?